Vicky Jin
Vicky Jin
- 授課語言英文
- 授課評價
- 教師影音
Since 2017授課範圍
台灣淡江大學 / 英文學系 / 學士證照/證書
TOEIC 910自我介紹
大家好,我是Vicky,從事英文教學五年來,我很開心能將自己過往的英文學習經驗、澳洲全英環境多年的生活 &工作經驗,分享傳授給想到海外生活/旅遊/工作的成人學生們,以及剛開始接觸英文的孩子們!英文是通往世界的鑰匙,帶領我看見人生更多不同的可能性,我會以輕鬆活潑有趣的課程互動交流與你分享更多如何從「學英文」到「用英文」的心路歷程,讓我帶領你一起探索吧!Hi, I'm Vicky. I have been teaching English for around 5 years and I enjoyed sharing all my English learning, working and living experiences in Australia, to adult students who's interested in living/traveling/working overseas and kids who just started learning English. English is the key to the global world and has shown me more possibilities in life. I would like to show you the way from “learning English” to “using English” through my fun and relaxing lessons. Join me and let me take you to the great adventure!