Annie Chen
Annie Chen
- 授課語言英文
- 授課評價
- 教師影音
Since 2021授課範圍
國立台中教育大學 特殊教育學系證照/證書
IELTS 7自我介紹
我的名字叫Annie,高雄人,今年23歲,畢業於國立台中教育大學,主修特殊教育學系。在性格方面,我是屬於比較喜歡與人相處的個性,待人落落大方,且樂於助人,尤其是對於年齡層比較小的孩子,我很喜歡與他們互動,相處時也很愉悅,在面對工作時,我的責任感很強,也都會盡力的做好每一份被賦予的工作事務。在專業能力方面,我領有IELTS國際英語測驗 7級的專業證照,以及TOEIC BRIDGE 滿級分和 GEPT中級的證書,由於從小我就在全美語的環境下學習,也曾至加拿大多倫多大學短暫遊學過,以至於自然地和外籍人士交談已成了我日常生活中的一部分,也因為這樣,我對於學習語言有著高度的興趣,為使學生有利於與國際接軌以及長遠發展,我在教學中也會特別著重於: 國際時事新聞、異國文化的了解以及生活實用英語對談。我的教學理念是:1. 相信缺點不是孩子的全部,我有辦法找到他/她的優勢能力。2. 注重學生的潛能發展,接納個別差異、適性揚才。3. 運用多元的教學方法,強調「學習是靈活且與時俱進」的。4. 注重融會貫通,不用死背的方式記憶。5. 永遠記得給予孩子正向支持,使其擁有自信。
My name is Annie, 23 years old. I'm from Kaohsiung. Just graduated from National Taichung University of Education, Special Education department. In terms of personality, I am the kind of person who likes to get along with people. Always generous and helpful to others, especially for younger children. I also have a strong sense of responsibility, and I always try my best to do every assigned job well. In terms of professional ability, I have a professional certificate of IELTS International English Test Level 7, as well as a TOEIC BRIDGE full score and a certificate of GEPT Intermediate. Since I was in kindergarten, I have been learning in an all-American environment . I also went to the University of Toronto in Canada for a short study tour. Therefore, talking with foreigners naturally has become a part of my daily life. Moreover, I have a high interest in learning languages and different culture around the world ; hence my class will be focus on international current affairs news, learning of foreign cultures and practical English conversations in daily life.
My teaching philosophy is:1. Believing that the weaknesses are not the be-all of a child and that I have a way to find his/her strengths and abilities.2. Paying attention to the development of students' potential. Accepting individual differences and promoting their talents appropriately.3. Adopting a variety of teaching methods and emphasizing that "learning is flexible and up-to-date".4. Focusing on integration instead of memorizing .5. Always remember to give children positive feedbacks in order to build up their confidences.